Cambridge Heath station

Click here for a local area map

Trains from Cambridge Heath station go to:

London Liverpool Street

for main line trains and the Tube network

Enfield Town

calling at London Fields, Hackney Downs, Rectory Road, Stoke Newington, Stamford Hill,

Seven Sisters, Bruce Grove, White Hart Lane, Silver Street, Edmonton Green and Bush Hill Park


calling at London Fields, Hackney Downs, Rectory Road, Stoke Newington, Stamford Hill,

Seven Sisters, Bruce Grove, White Hart Lane, Silver Street, Edmonton Green, Southbury, Turkey Street and Theobalds Grove

Many other places can be reached by changing
at Hackney Downs, Seven Sisters, Edmonton Green or Cheshunt

The London Rail and Tube map shows both Tube and National Rail lines

There are four bus stops close to Cambridge Heath station. For live departure information:

Bus stop M northbound on Cambridge Heath Road

Bus stop N westbound on Hackney Road

Bus stop 0 easbound on Hackney Road

Bus stop P southbound on Cambridge Heath Road


There are Oyster card/contactless card readers at the station.

You can also buy your ticket in advance or from the ticket machines outside the station.

The nearest stations with a ticket office are at Hackney Downs (open Monday to Saturday 0730 to 1000)

or Liverpool Street (open every day but closed 0100-0400 each day)

Cambridge Heath station is in zone 2
Liverpool Street is in zone 1. Enfield Town is in zone 5

Timetable information
National rail enquiries: 03457 484950 (local rate) Tube and bus information 0343 222 1234

Disabled help: 0343 222 1234

Network Rail 24-hour national helpline: 03457 114141 Lost property 0343 222 1234

Please report any damage or vandalism.

British Transport Police can be contacted on 999 (emergency) 0800 40 50 40 (helpline) 61016 (text)

A brief history of Cambridge Heath

A brief history of the CHLFUG campaign

Live departures for Cambridge Heath

This information is supplied by Cambridge Heath and London Fields Rail Users Group.

Back to the Cambridge Heath London Fields Rail Users home page


Cambridge Heath station is operated by London Overground


Cambridge Heath and London Fields Rail User Group